Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Alaska, Home of the Corrupt Republician Politicians


Can you believe it? So many corrupt / scandal laden politicians all coming from one state. I guess when it is that cold, all you can do is sit around and think of ways of screwing the system:

Let's make a list and summarize:

Governor Sarah Palin:
Mixed up in the wrongful firing of the Commissioner of Public Safety for not firing her ex brother-in-law a State Trooper who is embroiled in a nasty child custody case with Palin's sister.

Senator Ted Stevens:
Indicted on seven felony counts of making false statements on his financial disclosure forms.

Representative Don Young:
Young is under federal investigation for taking bribes, illegal gratuities or unreported gifts.

Senator Lisa Murkowski: Initially named to her position by her Father Governor Frank Murkowski after he became Governor in Alaska in 2002. Also, Lisa had an ethics complaint filed against her last year for a real estate deal.

Plus the whole cast of characters in the Alaska political corruption probe, lovingly known as the Corrupt Bastards Club.

All from the OIL laden state of Alaska

Stay cool for now!


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