Monday, September 1, 2008

Sarah Palin. The VP candidate that keeps on giving!

Who could ask for a better republician VP candidate. Sarah Palin just keeps giving people reasons not to vote for McCain.

1. Total lack of experience. Before being selected for the VP slot of the Republician ticket, Palin was the governor of one of the least populated states in the union. Also, she has only been in that position for 19 months. Before that she was the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska a town of less than 9000 people.

2. Palin is an ultra conservative when it comes to a womans right to choose. She is not only against a woman's right to choose, even in cases of incest and rape.

3. Palin is under investigation by the legislature of the state of Alaska for the firing of the Commissioner of Public Safety, who would not fire her ex-brother-in-law. They are calling this Troopergage

4. Palin replaced Monegan with Chuck Kopp. Kopp had to resign 2 weeks later due to a sexual harasment charge.

5. Palin supported currently indited Senator Ted Steven's bridge to nowhere before she opposed it.

5. Palin seems to support the idea of an independent Alaska.

Finally, the media has announced that Bristol Palin, the 17 year old unmarried daughter of Sara is pregnant.

How is that for a Compassionate Conservative???

that's it for now.

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